Take the quiz: "Which Student from Harry Potter are you?"
Hermione Granger
Yea! You are Hermione Granger! You are the intelligent one out of all your friend and you always strive for perfection. You prefer to think things through before acting, and you are determined to impress everyone. While you're brain power does get you out of allot of things, you should try to relax a little bit. Perfection is unattainable, you know.
Datt nú eiginlega síst hún í hug. Hef nú aldrei verið neinn proffi í skóla. En.
Nenni eiginlega ekki að skrifa neitt hér í kvöld. Skrifaði svooooooooo mikið í nótt sem leið. Læt þetta bara duga í bili.
Knús í krús............................
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